Sprinkler Maintenance
Sprinkler maintenance should be routine to keep your sprinkler system working efficiently. Poor irrigation scheduling, watering too often and for too long is the number one source of water waste associated with irrigation, followed by poor system design, inefficient equipment, and poor maintenance.
For proper efficiency, the entire irrigation system controller should be reprogrammed at least monthly to respond to changing rainfall and temperatures. The entire system should be checked for leaks periodically. Sprinkler heads should be adjusted to prevent over spraying.
Excessive watering of lawns is an issue in our area. In fact, landscape irrigation can account for more than 50% of all the water used in Texas during the summer, and about half of that water is wasted due to over-watering or runoff.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) rules governing irrigation in Texas do not allow spraying water over impervious surfaces such as walls, fences, sidewalks, and streets. The reason for this rule is simple – it just wastes water.
Routine sprinkler maintenance will help you to avoid costly repairs. Replacing or upgrading components for increased water efficiency results in less chance for maintenance damage and reduces utility costs.
A routine check should be made to ensure that water is being applied where it is needed, in the amount that it is needed, and in a uniform manner. Sprinkler heads must have the correct water pressure to apply water as drops and not as mist.
A working irrigation system is an important part of keeping a well-maintained, healthy lawn and landscape. An inefficient sprinkler system can cause brown patches on your lawn, reduce the longevity of your sprinkler system and waste water.
Make sure you work with an experienced, licensed irrigation professional, who is well-versed in design, installation, sprinkler maintenance and repairs.
When you choose Greenedge Sprinklers you can be assured that the job will be done efficiently and correctly.
Greenedge Sprinklers, LLC provides maintenance plans for residential and commercial properties in Houston.