July is Smart Irrigation Month
The Texas Irrigation Association, the state level association for licensed irrigation professionals in Texas since 1965, has proclaimed July 2015 to be Smart Irrigation Month to draw attention to the importance of using water efficiently and to encourage citizens to utilize irrigation professionals licensed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality in order to maximize smart water management practices.
July is traditionally the month of a peak demand for water for lawns, gardens and landscapes in North America. The Irrigation Association named July as Smart Irrigation Month to increase public awareness about simple practices and innovative technologies homeowners, businesses and property managers can use to:
- Save money on utility bills.
- Minimize or defer investments in infrastructure to store and carry water, typically paid for by property taxes or municipal bonds.
- Protect their community’s water supply for generations to come.
Homeowners typically overwater lawns and landscapes by up to 30 percent. By selecting and planting carefully, watering wisely, and maintaining and upgrading automated irrigation systems, consumers can save money, save water and see better results.
Information obtained from www.txia.org